How A Retreat In Brazil Helped Me Get Unstuck And Reconnect With My Purpose

Embracing Tranquility: My April Rainforest Retreat Experience

Imagine escaping to a retreat in the Brazilian rainforest to recharge, reconnect with your purpose, and break free from life's daily grind.

Last month I attended a retreat at Terraluminous, an ecovillage in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil, and that’s exactly what occurred.

I’ve had my own business for 7 years and anyone who’s done that knows it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to take care of yourself.

That’s what happened to me this year: I took on a lot of new projects and wore myself out pretty well by April.

So I knew that I was in a deep rut and needed some new perspectives as I traveled to Brazil for a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) weekend retreat.

The Atlantic Rainforest is a rich, lush, and inspiring location that helped bring me and the other participants into a calmer space allowing a deeper connection with ourselves and each other.

All in Portuguese, my wife translated the retreat for me the whole time. She whispered in my ear during the sweat lodge (Temazcal) so I could experience the intensity of the shaman-guided journey. She explained the teachings and she related to me all the discussions with the participants about their difficulties with communication in their relationships.

This was the support I needed to participate in the many lessons, exercises, and discussions.

During a deep meditation, the participants were asked to focus on what we needed most in our lives or what might be missing for us right now. In that moment, I realized what I was missing was a deep connection with my mission and purpose on a daily basis in my work.

With this realization, I had a whole new perspective. I was out of my rut and ready to move on with confidence and a new sense of how to hold my power.

Returned from the retreat, I’ve now started re-examining my mission and refocusing my actions to align with my purpose; eliminating anything that doesn’t support those.

I’m also recommitting to my self-care to ensure I’m not headed back into a situation where my well-being suffers due to being out of balance in my life.

Battling Burnout and Finding Empowerment

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck or on the verge of burnout, you're not alone.

Deloitte reveals that a staggering 77% of workers have experienced burnout in their current job.

As an Ontological Life Coach, I understand the frustration and helplessness that comes with feeling stuck in life.

And while a life-altering Brazilian retreat may not be for everyone, it's essential to reflect on your needs and take decisive action in order to stay on track and stay healthy.

If you feel stuck or uncertain, don't wait.

Change starts with awareness, intention, and commitment to breaking free.

The key elements to propel you forward include:

  • Acknowledging your feeling of stuckness, even without knowing the cause

  • Cultivating an open and curious mindset

  • Embracing forgiveness and releasing past baggage

  • Stepping outside of your comfort zone

  • Distancing yourself physically from your daily environment

All these elements were present for me in the Brazilian rainforest and these are the tools that open the door to new insights and help forge your unique path.


Discovering Your Path: Practical Steps to Begin Your Journey

If a retreat is not for you, your time is limited, or a retreat away is not available, you can try some of these activities today as an alternative:

Mini at-home retreat
A retreat is a way of getting away from the normal patterns and habits of your life to experience something more profound and to connect again with your essential nature. You can create this as a day-long or weekend-long retreat at home. Turn off all electronics for a fixed number of hours during the day. Eliminate all distractions from outside. Spend time meditating, walking in nature, and reconnecting with yourself through journaling and other practices. You may choose to be silent or not.

Digital Detox
Spend a certain number of hours or days without news, podcasts, social media, or any other form of digital entertainment or distraction. See how you experience the world differently. Write about this new experience of the world.

Maintain a daily journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and insights. This practice can help you identify patterns, process emotions, and track personal growth. Start by answering the question, "What am I feeling stuck in right now?"

Practice loving-kindness or other types of meditation to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and inner peace.

Engage your support network
Find a mentor, join a peer support group, or reach out to friends and family for guidance and encouragement as you work to overcome challenges and pursue your goals.

What You Can Do Right Now

Taking care of ourselves is crucial for maintaining our mental and physical health. Don't wait to prioritize your well-being.

  • Start your self-care program today to experience the benefits of a balanced life

  • Incorporate one or more suggested actions above to support your self-care journey

  • Schedule time away to gain a fresh perspective and renewed energy

Remember, you are the best person to take care of yourself.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what YOU do to get unstuck and out of a rut when you find yourself in one. And feel free to share your experiences and strategies with our community.

Rediscover Your Power: Ontological Life Coaching & Retreats

As Einstein famously said, “We can’t solve our current problems using the same level of thinking we used when we created them.”

Are you ready to get unstuck?

Are you ready to discover what’s next for you?

Are you ready to create something new?

To move beyond the things holding us back, we must develop new insight and awareness about ourselves and the world.

As an Ontological Life Coach, I'm passionate about helping professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners align their lives with their values and aspirations.

Whether you join me on a retreat or choose one-on-one coaching, I'm committed to helping you break free from limitations and create a life of purpose.

Is a Retreat Your Path to Transformation?

Retreats offer unparalleled opportunities for clarity, growth, and reconnection with your purpose.

Join me for my upcoming Swiss Mountain Retreat, designed to help participants release burdens, illuminate new paths, and center themselves. With personalized and unique experiences, we cater to your specific needs and aspirations.

Our retreat will focus on:

  • Embracing tranquility: Experience the serenity of the Swiss mountains and leave behind life's daily grind

  • Combating burnout: Restore your energy and reignite your passion for your personal and professional life

  • Discovering your path: Engage in deep reflection, practical exercises, and group discussions to help you identify the areas in which you feel stuck and uncover new insights to move forward

  • Cultivating an open and curious mindset: Explore new perspectives and ideas to foster personal growth and transformation

In addition to the powerful experiences and insights you'll gain during the retreat, you'll also become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your aspirations and desire for personal transformation.

Don't wait to prioritize your well-being. Take the first step on your path to transformation by joining our Swiss Mountain Retreat, where you'll be surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and a supportive environment that will help you break free from limitations and create a life of purpose.