New years resolution

Breaking Up With Your Comfort Zone and Getting Into Action

Breaking Up With Your Comfort Zone and Getting Into Action

Things that are new and stretch you beyond your perceived limits are in and of themselves, uncomfortable. These goals and pursuits may even induce anxiety or terror depending on how far outside of your comfort zone you’re traveling.

When striving to make significant changes in your life, it’s important to create structures, processes, and habits that will help move you through the fear and unease of being outside your comfort zone. These structures will maintain that you are taking action toward being the new person you are striving to be, even in the face of discomfort.

End-of-Year Survival Guide: Tips to Celebrate the Year and Prepare for the Next

End-of-Year Survival Guide: Tips to Celebrate the Year and Prepare for the Next

The end of the year usually stresses me out to no end, but this year has been an exception. Here’s exactly how I stay relaxed and manage my well-being during this time of year.

Growth Doesn’t Look the Way You Think

Growth Doesn’t Look the Way You Think

When you think about your future and all the things you want it to include, you likely forget about all the peaks and valleys involved in growth. It’s easy to see where we are now and the destination, and then draw a straight line. Growth is not linear. But even more than that, growth itself is not a destination: it’s a process (and a practice).