
A Month of Focus: Overcome Overwhelm and Enhance Concentration

A Month of Focus: Overcome Overwhelm and Enhance Concentration

Overwhelm often stems from our actions and choices. Despite knowing better, we sometimes fall into patterns that lead us right back to that overwhelmed state. Recognizing this is the first step toward change. Overwhelm is not a state we must accept; it's a habit we can break. By identifying the root causes of our overwhelm, we embark on a journey towards a more focused and productive self.

How to Overcome Fear and Take Action Toward Your Goals

How to Overcome Fear and Take Action Toward Your Goals

If we have big goals we’re going for, fear can easily hold us back from taking the action on those. It’s a powerful emotion that stops us from stepping out of our comfort zone, taking needed risks, and learning new things.

We must learn to identify our fears and the ways they control or limit us. Overcoming fear is about recognizing the emotion without giving in to its desire to control our behavior. This is how we can get unstuck and start moving forward with our life.

Why Your To-Do Lists Are Stopping You From Getting Anything Done

Why Your To-Do Lists Are Stopping You From Getting Anything Done

Your current to-do list is a need-to-do, have-to-do, or should-do list, and that’s a problem. You’ve invented all kinds of things that are missing or wrong with your life, work, or self and that you feel need fixing or changing.

What's Missing From Your Conversations?

What's Missing From Your Conversations?

Getting into conversations with others is how you learn and grow and build meaningful, trustworthy relationships. How you have these conversations makes a big difference.

You Can't Outperform Your Environment

You Can't Outperform Your Environment

The environment in which you are in plays a role in your ability to succeed. In this blog post, I’m explaining how your environment plays such a huge role, as well as some ways for you to understand and improve your domain so you can maximize your success.

Breaking Up With Your Comfort Zone and Getting Into Action

Breaking Up With Your Comfort Zone and Getting Into Action

Things that are new and stretch you beyond your perceived limits are in and of themselves, uncomfortable. These goals and pursuits may even induce anxiety or terror depending on how far outside of your comfort zone you’re traveling.

When striving to make significant changes in your life, it’s important to create structures, processes, and habits that will help move you through the fear and unease of being outside your comfort zone. These structures will maintain that you are taking action toward being the new person you are striving to be, even in the face of discomfort.

End-of-Year Survival Guide: Tips to Celebrate the Year and Prepare for the Next

End-of-Year Survival Guide: Tips to Celebrate the Year and Prepare for the Next

The end of the year usually stresses me out to no end, but this year has been an exception. Here’s exactly how I stay relaxed and manage my well-being during this time of year.

I Burned All My To-Do Lists and Found Freedom

I Burned All My To-Do Lists and Found Freedom

I had a never-ending list of things that I needed to accomplish, with more adding on every week. It was stressing me out. So I lit them all on fire… Here's what happened to me when I burned all my lists, and here's why you should do it too:

Growth Doesn’t Look the Way You Think

Growth Doesn’t Look the Way You Think

When you think about your future and all the things you want it to include, you likely forget about all the peaks and valleys involved in growth. It’s easy to see where we are now and the destination, and then draw a straight line. Growth is not linear. But even more than that, growth itself is not a destination: it’s a process (and a practice).

The Things You Can Control & Change: The Circles That Determine Highly Effective People

The Things You Can Control & Change: The Circles That Determine Highly Effective People

How much time do you spend trying to control things you cannot control? Maybe it’s your child, the speed of the washing machine, or the rush hour traffic.

There’s an idea that I discovered called the circle of influence. The idea behind this is that there are certain things that are within our control, things that we can influence.

And then there is the circle of concern. The circle of control is full of excuses, victimization, and blame. This circle has things we cannot influence, but we often still concern ourselves with.

The proactive approach to life is to spend more time focusing on the things we can change and influence.

The Path To Success Is Being, Not Doing

The Path To Success Is Being, Not Doing

If I asked you to think about what success is, you might tell me what it looks like.

“Financial security, a nice car, a family…”

So I want to challenge you to consider what success feels like.

Maybe it’s confidence, happiness, being in touch with your spirituality…

The difference between doing and being is the biggest factor in success. I’ve used my BE-DO-HAVE model with countless clients and helped them shift into feeling their success.

This post covers how success is actually obtained.

How Digital Detox Changed My Life

How Digital Detox Changed My Life

How many of us have had to contend with the complaints of a loved one for spending too much time on our phones and not giving them enough attention? Here’s what happened when I did a digital detox…

That Summer Feeling: What To Do After Vacation So You Stay Relaxed

That Summer Feeling: What To Do After Vacation So You Stay Relaxed

After a lovely summer vacation, you feel relaxed, happy, and renewed. But then the reality of the grind starts again. Here’s how you can stay relaxed and stop the dreaded vacation hangover.

5 Tips for Conquering Overwhelm

5 Tips for Conquering Overwhelm

You’re overwhelmed because you’re confused.

When your mind isn’t confused, when tasks and priorities are clear, there’s no overwhelm.

When your mind is focused, overwhelm is absent.

The problem is that stress ensues as we start to feel overwhelmed. And the more overwhelmed you feel, the more stress you create for yourself.

This is a vicious cycle. One that we’ve all felt at some point in time or another.