
The Things You Can Control & Change: The Circles That Determine Highly Effective People

The Things You Can Control & Change: The Circles That Determine Highly Effective People

How much time do you spend trying to control things you cannot control? Maybe it’s your child, the speed of the washing machine, or the rush hour traffic.

There’s an idea that I discovered called the circle of influence. The idea behind this is that there are certain things that are within our control, things that we can influence.

And then there is the circle of concern. The circle of control is full of excuses, victimization, and blame. This circle has things we cannot influence, but we often still concern ourselves with.

The proactive approach to life is to spend more time focusing on the things we can change and influence.

The Path To Success Is Being, Not Doing

The Path To Success Is Being, Not Doing

If I asked you to think about what success is, you might tell me what it looks like.

“Financial security, a nice car, a family…”

So I want to challenge you to consider what success feels like.

Maybe it’s confidence, happiness, being in touch with your spirituality…

The difference between doing and being is the biggest factor in success. I’ve used my BE-DO-HAVE model with countless clients and helped them shift into feeling their success.

This post covers how success is actually obtained.

Coaching: What Is the “Product” Being Sold?

Coaching: What Is the “Product” Being Sold?

When I first started coaching, I understood that as the coach I am the product.

I understood that embodying the essence of the coaching and living the life I was coaching my clients to live was the only way to be authentic to myself and my clients.

And that idea missed something really important.